Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just Discovered Something Cool...

Bead Trends magazine is a fairly new publication all about making jewerly. The magazine is great, but is fairly pricey (I think $17.95 per issue).

You can go online and pay only $4.95 per issue to download an e-copy. I've just downloaded the November 2009 issue, and it's very user-friendly, let's you zoom in very easily and is full of designs! Being a jewelry magazine junkie myself, thought I'd pass this on to anyone else who enjoys all of the beading magazines! Here's the link:
Bead Trends Magazine

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip! I've heard rumblings that magazines may be going the way of eCopies... if they do I for one will miss the ability to look through them....guess I need that tactile feeling. Looks like a nice magazine; just wish I had more time to read all the ones I get! :)
